
Imagine that you and your company are facing a difficult and undesirable situation in which you, as the responsible person, have no control. How would it feel to regain control and lead the company out of that situation? What would it mean for you, your employees, customers, owners, partners, and the company’s trust and brand if you could do that?

Crisis management teams are commonly already masters of preemptive problem solving and urgent issue handling. Within the corporate world though, business profitability is prioritized, and crisis management teams need to merge operational mastery with the general business perspective.

Managers and leaders are increasingly finding themselves in unwanted situations in an ever-changing world. This can include prolonged cyber attacks, discrediting campaigns, trade conflicts, difficulties in adapting to digital transformation, as well as recruiting and retaining talented staff. This can make it problematic for companies to achieve their strategic goals and for managers and leaders to carry out their missions. Regardless of the nature of the unwanted situation, as a decision-maker, you are constantly under high pressure to make both quick and hopefully correct decisions while maintaining business operational capability.

Are you willing to take on a more holistic and unconventional approach to manage unwanted situations?

We help our clients increase their ability to foresee and deal with opportunities or unwanted situations. This is done by providing a playground to make mistakes and
learn to pivot. We train them in scenario-based table-top exercises but also live simulation exercises. This could be done in both smaller and larger terms depending on
the organization’s specific needs and degree of maturity. Typical engagements include both scenario and case study development, planning, and conducting course

• better understanding of how you can deal with unwanted situations in an efficient and proactive way
• increased ability to guide yourself, the team, and the organization through unwanted situations
• increased ability to maintain the initiative, which leads to better strategic resilience
• make risk-informed decisions for more efficient and responsible decision-making
• shorten downtime for a faster return to operational capability
• Skills to communicate the situation to internal and external actors more efficiently
• proactive approach to risks, threats, and opportunities